the world is shouting at me.
chill out! relax! no, no, don't relax. pursue your goals! no, it's shit, this rat race is terrible! no, it's all wrong, you have got to become someone. evolve! no, not that fast. patience! you have got to be patient!!! do something. no, stop for a moment, look around. life is beautiful and full of treasures. no, fuck treasures, hard work!!! be healthy. quit smoking!!! nah, no one cares, chill. no, you can't chill! be a vegetarian. this world is terrible and cruel! we can't kill animals! consumerism is horrendous! stop eating dairy! stop eating food! be skinny!!! you need to be loved. no, you don't actually, chill. be happy!!! you have to be happy! and optimistic. and easy-going! no one likes to talk to a grumpy person. don't be sad! you can't be sad! no, chill, being sad is okay. be crazy! only crazy people are fun! be fun!!! and nice, also. no, don't be nice, be straightforward. honesty is the only way to go! no, no one will like you if you are honest! you have to be liked to achieve something. and you have to achieve something!!! no, you know what, no one cares. shut up, no one is listening. everything you do is shit!!! no, relax, you are okay and loved and beautiful. but be fit. you have to be fit! exersize!!! no, stop, better concentrate on your intellect. you need to be smart!!! you will be miserable if you are though, but who gives a fuck…